The colour project. Strong Pink.

Pink hair
As I have mentioned before I have a fascination for women who dye their hair in a bright colour. So I started photographing this coloured hair and started my colour project, meaning that I link the particular hair colour with a plant in my garden. This time:

Strong Pink.

In the central hall of the Rijksmuseum I encounter the third woman for my colour project. Her pink dyed hair stands out in the crowd! In contrast to her bright pink hair, she has a pale and colourless face. It is a striking contrast. As I ask her why she chose this particular colour, the young American woman answers me: "I was tired of blue".

Linking a plant to this hair colour is not very difficult. Therefore I chose two. The first one is a poppy. This poppy (I do not know the name) is self-seeding and pops up in the garden everywhere. This habit of this wild beauty you will have to accept. Dierama is the second plant I select in the colour strong pink. The elegant pink flowers are hanging down on long curved stems. It makes the flowers seem to float. However Dierama is not hardy, so it will not be available everywhere. It is a plant for garden enthusiasts. Mission accomplished.

Strong Pink hair and the pink flowers of poppy and Dierama. The perfect match!

Next month another woman and a different colour! Thanks to the young American woman.
Enjoy your week

papaver somniferum
strong pink hair


  1. Hetty, good match! I am afraid that my hard, dry clay soil would not suit a dierama, but it's lovely to be able to enjoy yours!


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